Please select the Event you want to sponsor: ---3-day GDPR FAS, DPO, CEP online classroom certificationGlobal DPO DayGlobal CSR/ESG DayGlobal IT Governance DayGlobal Risk Management Day14th Annual Nordic GRC/GDPR and IT Security SummitDirectors Dialogue. New EU Whistleblower DirectiveGlobal Board of Directors Day3rd GDPR AnniversaryGlobal Whistleblowers DayGlobal Corporate Governance DayGlobal Corporate Culture (Ethics/Integrity) Day14th Annual European GRC/GDPR and IT Security SummitGlobal IT and Cyber Security DayThe Anti-Corruption Day
Venue: ---Online
Package: ---PlatinumGoldSilverDemo
For package details, download brochure
This application should be signed and submitted either with payment or sent to Copenhagen Compliance for an invoice via email at Full payment is required within 8 days of application to start the sales and marketing efforts.
Payment Type: PaypalOnline Transfer
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